Seeking Analogies
In the development of my own work as an artist, I have always felt that at its core photography is about seeing. I intentionally explore this notion through an ongoing series titled Seeking Analogies.
Driven by process, I transform restaurant outings into habitual actions where, while being there, I allow myself to observe and find a specific set of nine elements that were determined when the series was initially conceived. Thinking of things such as cracks, white, concrete or chairs, I inhabit these spaces from a phenomenological perspective. In those moments, as space is consumed by keen observance, the very act of inhabiting is determined by a state of mind where repetitive gestures are interpreted through the cyclical manifestation of those specific elements.
With seeing and seeking being the core of the conceptual framework, as the series develops, all elements are not always present; thusly, blank spaces emerge, inviting the mind to fill in those blanks in whatever form it may choose breaking up the repetitive nature of the work. As the archive of investigated spaces accumulates, I aim at providing sequences of images where aesthetic associations speak of beauty that emerges once things are experienced from different perspectives in a deliberate state of complete awareness.